Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Granddaughters Outside

Friday morning we played outside before lunch and naps. It was a little windy but a terrific day to be outside since it wasn't so hot.
Why do none of my baby dolls have clothes???
Riding the spring horse that belonged to Papa Buddy when he was a little boy.'d she get that stick so quick??
Princess Flower made ornaments for the cherry tree from pine needles, flower petals and berries she found.
This red car was a Christmas gift to their oldest uncle way back in 1977. So, it will be 31 years old this Christmas.

She's crawling but I think walking is going to be late....hopefully not quite at last as Ladybug at 16 months. Her first birthday is about 3 weeks away.

We spent last Friday together before leaving for the lake that afternoon. Their Mommy went to spend the weekend with her sisters on the coast. Sister R. is getting married the weekend after Labor Day. That's the real reason for the trip but that means we get to enjoy the girls for an extended visit. I've been talking to their father who won't be down until right before the wedding. I don't think he's enjoying these days without his family around. He'd better get use to it because he'll soon be leaving for OCS.....and months away from his family with only an occasional visit home. We wonder where the next duty station will be. 700 miles from home is rough on visits already. There's a chance it might actually be closer....and two that it will be across country or the ocean. Pray that it will be closer!!

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