Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's a Girl!!

I wore this to work today to let everyone know the exciting news. This "It's a Girl!" button has gotten a lot of use over the years. We got the call yesterday from our #1 Son that their new baby is going to be a girl. Since we already have 6 granddaughters, I guess it didn't come as any real surprise. Imagine!!! Seven granddaughters. Could it be a world record?? No, of course not! We're really happy for our son and his wife. Since they already have two sons, a precious little girl will be a new adventure. Won't she be lucky to have two big brothers to watch out for her!
Congratulations!! We can't wait to welcome her to our family.

Here is our last picture of the granddaughters and grandsons together. If you count carefully, you will see that we're missing one . Little Dragonfly was born 4 months later. This picture was made on Memorial Day weekend, 2007.

New Granddaughter, look at all the fun you're going to have with 6 big girl cousins to play with.
They were spending the night with me and Papa Buddy and were all snuggled into the bed that I slept in when I was a little girl.

We had so much fun that night.

There were 6 in the bed and the little one said,

"Hurry up, we can't wait to play!!"

1 comment:

Janice said...

I think it's GREAT you've got another girl on the way! Matthew & Chris' boys have their hands FULL...but FUN!