Today is Mother's Day! I've been down in the dumps as they say this week thinking about my Mother and her Mother and celebrations of years past. When I was growing up we always went to South Carolina to celebrate together. Both of my grandma's lived in the same town. On Sunday we went to the home town church together. Along the way after we parked, we went by my father's brother's house and picked some red climbing roses that grew next to his garage. If your Mother is alive you wear red roses and if your Mother is dead you wear white roses. So, my dress always had a few fresh red roses on it. That afternoon any of the family that had come ate dinner together at my Granny's house and all the cousins played in the yard together. What a great time we had.
I'm not ready to wear that white rose yet. So, I don't go to Church on Mother's Day Sunday. Kind of stupid I guess but I'd just cry all through the service so I stay home.
But, I did get to enjoy my children today. That brought me out of the dumps quickly. Trainman greeted me with a card and hug first thing. A text from CBC in NC next followed by a phone call from Marine son. And the afternoon went on. I sat around looking through old letters and cards from Buddy's family, sorting them into boxes by year. Buddy came walking in and guess what!! MoRo and Dabby Do popped out from behind him. Fireman son and JHC came down and surprised me with the girls. We ate out at Cracker Barrel and later played a while in the front yard. The last one called a little while ago so I got to talk or see all my kids. It was nice.
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